Improving Channel  Manager Performance Through Automation

CJ1. Welcome to the first episode of the Channel Journeys podcast. My guest is an entrepreneur who has developed an innovative solution to a classic problem – how to increase the performance of channel managers.  Gary Morris is the founder and CEO of Successful Channels and the creator of the 5-minute channel manager toolkit.  Get to know Gary, the channel journey that led him to take the entrepreneurial leap, and the mission he is on to improve channel manager performance.


  • Gary built Successful Channels to provide the under-served Channel Account Manager with automated Partner Planning & Performance tools.
  • The channel has been slow to adopt new technology due to cultural resistance, but that’s starting to change.
  • Joint business planning and Quarterly Business Reviews drives drives more predictable performance and accountability of both the vendor and the partner.
  • Score-carding breaks down silos and builds collaboration between channel managers and the sales team.
  • Providing an easy and consistent way for Channel Managers to conduct partner business planning, score-carding and QBRs will dramatically improve partner performance.